Stellar Atmospheres and Radiative transfer models

Determination of high precision abundances is an important goal of all spectroscopic studies, as well as a prerequisite to any consequent stellar population study.

I have vast expertise in non-equilibrium radiation transfer in stellar atmospheres. The astrophysical interpretation of stellar spectra requires a very complex theoretical problem that involves atomic, nuclear, and molecular physics, hydrodynamics, statistical mechanics, and radiative transfer.

I have several years of experience and gained knowledge of radiative transfer in stellar atmospheres, stellar spectral synthesis and detailed atomic physics with NLTE calculations. I've lead several papers on NLTE modeling (Paper 1, Paper 2) and applications to stellar spectra (Paper 3, Paper 4).

Given the expensive computational time requirements of NLTE and 3D modeling of stellar spectra, I am currently working with graduate students and collaborators on developing fast tools allow wide spread applications by the community. With my graduate student Yangyang Li, we have developed a fast NLTE code to determine fast fundamental stellar parameters utilizing stellar spectra.

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Rana Ezzeddine