First Stars and SNe Explosions

I am interested in answering oustanding questiosn on origins of the first stars in the Universe, how they exploded with the first supernova explosions, and what chemical elements did they create and in what amounts, by studying the chemical compositions of 2nd generation metal-poor stars.

In that framework, I have discovered the first direct observational evidence of Aspherical jet-like Supernova explosions of First stars by detecting Zn for the first time in the HST UV spectrum of a hyper-metal poor star HE1327-2326 (Paper 1). The discovery was covered by an MIT press release followed by wide media coverage (e.g., NewsWeek, Astronomy Magazine), most notably in an article published in the Scientific American on the topic.

I have also been part of several studies who discovered and studied several of these Population III descendent "metal-free" stars (Paper 2, Paper 3).

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Rana Ezzeddine